Annual review 2022
Linking east and west in Hong Kong
Due to open in 2025, the 4.7km long Central Kowloon Route (CKR) will shorten the journey time between the east and west Kowloon from 30 minutes to about 5 minutes, alleviating traffic congestion in Hong Kong’s most populous area. The dual three-lane carriageway is mostly below ground in the forms of depressed roads and tunnels, freeing up existing roads for local traffic and reducing air and noise pollution for citizens.
Navigating existing subterranean infrastructure including four in-service rail tunnels, tunnelling through seven major fault zones, and temporarily reclaiming land from the sea have been huge engineering challenges. Maintaining on-going road traffic and working in severely constrained sites have added to the complexity of the project. ...
Project summary
Central Kowloon Route
Highways Department, Hong Kong Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Hong Kong
Design and engineering services, construction supervision
three-lane, dual carriageway
central tunnel
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Yin Chan
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